I Missed you, photoshop
Everyone thinks I'm a liar! Weeell I'm a lot of things: I'm an astronaut, I'm a basketball player...... I'm the President of the Universe with a 14 inch cock, but I'm not a liar.
Joined on 1/5/01
Posted by TheShrike - November 3rd, 2007
The new dock is cool, in all it's reflective glory, but...
You can't really see what's open without doing an impression of a farsighted geriatric.
So, if you'd like to go back to a more classic Dock, try typing this into Terminal:
defaults write com.apple.dock no-glass -boolean YES
----Then, type this:
killall Dock
And you'll have a Dock that doesn't mess with your eyes!
If you should ever want to go back, try NO instead of YES in that first line.
Posted by TheShrike - August 27th, 2007
This past week, I received two items in the mail.
Well, more like 20 or so, but since physical spam shouldn't count... Just 2.
I don't know if they came on the same day or not, since I check my mail weekly.
Two items in the mail.
The first was something I never thought I'd see.
The second was something I was expecting.
The first was a check from the IRS, part of my 2005 tax refund. Yeah, 2005. I never got the original.
The second was a property tax bill from my local county, for my car.
The kicker?
They're the same damn amount.