Not bad
There's some pretty good visuals, and it's well sync'd.
My only suggestion is to add a 'stream' button, so people don't have to wait for that huge-ass file to download. That alone would have brought my review score up to an 8 or 9.
Not bad
There's some pretty good visuals, and it's well sync'd.
My only suggestion is to add a 'stream' button, so people don't have to wait for that huge-ass file to download. That alone would have brought my review score up to an 8 or 9.
Not again...
Why is it that everyone feels the need to blatantly copy Krinkels the moment they enter some gen'd key from a copy of Flash they found on some P2P network?
You get a big ol ZERO for not tweaking down the audio (4 MEGS!!!)(!!!).
You get a big ol ZERO for making a poor ripoff of Krinkels work without even mentioning him (ohwaityouhadhisnameonscreenforlike2secondssoitsok).
Do something original. If you want to do fanflash, CLEARLY SAY SO.
And don't tell me to vote five on utter crap.
i DID thank Krinkels you ignorant bastard! and its my first movie. GEEZ MAN.
Holy shit, that made me laugh so hard!
So true to life, and so funny. =D
You made my day, mister.
Nice, but your POV is FUBAR
You act like skateboarders are some kind of scum in society's collective eye. Whether or not that is true, your "social commentary" is laughable because I know for a fact that you don't have things half as bad as some. You're white, you're probably well off, and yet you whine because people look at you funny? Pfffft. You can change your clothes, you can choose to shave or bathe, but you can't change the color of your skin, you spoiled little brat.
Not very good.
Aside from a few motion captures, it's just a slideshow. An annoying slideshow. Sorry.
Not bad for a pilot.
I enjoyed this one, so I say go ahead and start making more.
It's been done many times before. And in most cases, it has also been done much better.
About the overall score....
You shouldn't submit movies like this to the portal. The portal is for FINISHED work, and as amazing as this may sound, you can actually submit ALPHA versions LIKE THIS, to NGMAG. /ngmag/alphas
btw, as for feedback... there's nothing to review. It's a 20 second long movie, where NOTHING HAPPENS.
Everyone thinks I'm a liar! Weeell I'm a lot of things: I'm an astronaut, I'm a basketball player...... I'm the President of the Universe with a 14 inch cock, but I'm not a liar.
Joined on 1/5/01